

Relieve Anxiety With Acupuncture

Relieve Anxiety With Acupuncture

Do anxiety and its associated fear, worry and stress have a strong hold over you? You're not the only one. Although 13% of Canadians suffer from anxiety, it is not always easy to talk about, which leads to many cases going unnoticed. People often feel embarrassed to talk about their anxiety, believing they should be "tough" enough to cope with it themselves. Nothing could be more untrue. Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety on occasion. Anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors,...

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Easing Pain With Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

Easing Pain With Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

If you have ever suffered from plantar fasciitis, you know how uncomfortable it is: it's the sensation of being pierced in the heel with a hot needle again and again with every step you take. When you walk or run, especially on materials that are unyielding and hard, the pressure exerted by your body weight can cause tension on the plantar fascia (the band of tissue that connects your heel to your toes). Over time, this strain can develop into the chronic pain and swelling we call plantar...

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Chiropractic Services for Pinched Nerves: Everything You Need to Know

Chiropractic Services for Pinched Nerves: Everything You Need to Know

  A pinched nerve is a common source of chronic pain for lots of folks. They can come from a wide variety of causes, most commonly from overexerting the soft tissues in the back or neck, various sports injuries, or repeated movements. They also tend to occur more regularly as we age, due to the general wear and tear of time on our bodies of daily activities. While the exact root cause continues to be unclear, it is thought that pinched nerves might occur when there's a misalignment in the...

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Insurance Covered physiotherapy, chiropractor, massage therapy. Extended Health Coverage Direct Billing Available.

Clinic Hours:

Monday 8a.m.–7p.m.
Tuesday 8a.m.–7p.m.
Wednesday 8a.m.–7p.m.
Thursday 8a.m.–7p.m.
Friday 8a.m.–6:30p.m.
Saturday 8a.m.–2p.m.
Sunday Closed